What is it about Jazz? It has something no other style of music has. In fact many of the other styles such as rock, blues, country and classical simply do not have what jazz has. Swing!
You may ask, what is that? Swing is a certain rhythm. All other types of music use straight eighth notes, but with swing the 8th's are slightly spread, like a triplet rhythm. This spread creates a unique feel that only jazz players use. That feel usually comes natural to a person. But, I believe it can be learned by anyone who likes the style and is willing to practice.
When I was young, I studied classical piano music and listened to rock and roll(the 60's). Around age ten I heard my first jazz tune. I did not understand it , but I liked it. To play jazz music I had to study it and develop my swing feel.
Unless you are a natural (meaning you were born with it), jazz theory can be very complex, just like the music. And you must SWING! Without that some players say it ain't jazz. And I believe they are right.
Jazz improvisation without swing may be following the theory, but without that swing feel, it's just not quite right. Unless you start swinging!
We offer you a large selection of sheet music, and CD's.
Below you will find some great books to help you learn to improvise for piano and all instruments. To improve your swing feel listen to as many cd's as you can.